Friday 21 June 2013

The Pastel Patch Garden

Well since the bad weather we've been focussing on the garden in our shabby little patch. We introduced the hens and generally tidied everything up.

I've really wanted a garden bench for ages so managed to source the metal ends of some for free (thanks Facebook selling pages) add some wood and paint and voila. I love it!

I shared pictures on my Facebook and a lot of family and friends were interested in me doing benches for them also so that's what I've been doing. This has extended to a Facebook group and beyond.

Here's a few more pictures:

Pretty, pretty, pretty! They really brighten the patch.


Welcome to the Pastel Patch do you start your very first blog?

A bit about me?

Well i'm 25, I live in the midlands, I have two beautiful children (Isobelle, 3 1/2 and Harry, 2) a not so beautiful fiancée, a dog, two kittens and three hens.

I have just finished an access course and have been accepted onto a nursing degree in February! Exciting times! 

Before I started the access course I was adamant I needed to learn; use my brain and achieve something. After a year of hard hard studying I've changed my mind. My babies have grown so quickly! Isobelle starts school in September, I'm not even sure if its possible how fast time has flown. Recently I suddenly realised how important this time of their life is. They won't be little forever and I want to make the most of it while I can!

My aim is to document our summer and all the things I plan to do with them. There are memories to be made! I have so many projects and activities that I never get round to doing and I'm going to try and achieve and share as much as possible. :)

So here goes...xoxo